CERTcad™ - Computer Aided Dispatch for Community Emergency Response Teams

CERTcad Functional Overview
In order to optimize accessibility, portability and integrate the CADphone voice and text messaging capabilities, CERTcad is a cloud based system. Its multiple server configuration allows access from any internet capable computer, smartphone or tablet, maximizing cross-platform integration.

In critical times, with power and internet outages locally, a sand boxed server is unusable to those outside that environment.

CERTcad, utilizing highly redundant landline, cellular, internet, and backup access for clients, is served over the cloud to provide multi-point access for administrators and users. Scripting, and complex browser functions are minimized, to increase speed, efficiency, and ease of use in low bandwidth connections, while maximizing functionality.

This offsite architecture also allows the CERTcad platform to seamlessly integrate with the voice and text messaging reverse-911 capabilities of the CADphone module when local communication resources may be overburdened or unavailable.

Case Study: 2011 SD Blackout
During its initial deployment, CERTcad was fully operational and utilized by a local CERT team during the 2011 San Diego/ Imperial/ Orange County blackout.

Despite no power being available to over 3 million people, and power outages to the local team’s regular telephone volunteer lines, information was available to CERT team members who used their smartphones to update the system, update activation status, and assist in coordinating the team’s ham radio operators in a formal net.

CERTcad was available to issue reverse-911 voice calls and text messages to over 130 CERT team members, if necessary.

To learn about all of the benefits of CERTcad, and its broad capabilities,
please navigate through the Features tab in the menu or visit the training tab for more videos.

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